I’ve had this idea for a long time. Can’t we use the Stuff that comes with a Lasercutter also for Plasma cutting? A Lasercutter usually is connected to a Vacuumsystem, which sucks the fumes from cutting rigth out of the machine. Also it offers a closed compartment, in which the sheetmaterial is cut. Bot seems to be very handy for a Plasmacutter.
So i did a quick and dirty test and mounted a Plasmatorch to the Laserhead and connected the controller to the Lasercontroller.
As it turns out, the idea seems to be working. My mounting approach however should be optimised.
Here is the Stuff i used:
Plasma Torch P80: https://theartoftinkering.com/recommends/p80plasmatorch/
Relais Module: https://theartoftinkering.com/recommends/relais-modul/
Plasmacutter (basicly the same model but with another case):
Also i made this part to 3D Print:
Print file for the Torch Holder: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5266829
Here are the first results…

I think i had either a broken Nozzle or bad settings on the Plasmacontroller, probably both. But anyway the electronics worked nicely. I will soon take another look into this.